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Thursday, March 3, 2011

ARGHHHHHHHH hyper tension!!!!!!

these 2 days is the most bad days i ever had in my life
emmm semalam je kad atm aku kena telan dgn damn mesin atm
siot jerrrr da 2 3 kje aku kena wat..kol 2 bank sbb kad atm aku xsma dgn atm machine tu..eiiii..

emm da tu rini de presentation tuk product design..
WTF bile kite working on something for the past 3 weeks n dat person simply rejected it n said "ini kerja bru smlm wat. pemalas diorang ni"
wat d hell is dat? sabar je,la wahai hati..okey maybe it is our mistake but x bole ke says it in proper way? xperlu kondem kaw2. yer aku tau mmg kitorag kena come up wit new concept n also new ideas..but x semua org tu perfect..ttp je ade kelemahannya. even arguing bout it n try nk pertahankan idea tu ttp d reject..n for the second times we ask again n he told different things. juz now he said A n the seconds time B.
hate it!!!!!!!
eiiii tension tol,laaaa..meluat..meluat..meluat...
xpe2..bgs gak kena kondem...tgk rrr pasni kn..huhu...haaaa bia blink2 mata die tgk slide bru kitorag...
wait n see rrrrrr....